Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Solthis supports 12 health facilities in Sierra Leone

Strengthening patient retention within the "Empower" project

8 August 2017 |  Informations


Thanks to our “Empower” project in Sierra Leone, 39 NETHIPS (Network of HIV positives in Sierra Leone) community volunteers were recently taken through an orientation of the “defaulter tracing program”, a program implemented by NETHIPS and funded by the Global Fund. Within the “Empower” project, Solthis gives its support to this program in 12 health facilities in order to strengthen patient retention in HIV care and treatment. Thanks to the active mobilization of the civil society, this program not only helps to maintain people living with HIV on care and treatment, but also contributes to the fight against stigma and discrimination.

The “Empower” project is implemented in Sierra Leone by Solthis from 2016 to 2018, with funding from AFD (Agence Française de Développement), the City of Paris and private sponsors.

For more information about the “Empower” project: click here




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