Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Academic and scientific partners

Solthis is dedicated to developing multidisciplinary partnerships in order to take into account the many dimensions of public health issues. This can be seen through collaboration with actors from different backgrounds: medical, anthropological, economic, political and community actors.

Academic partners

  • APHP : hosting of public health interns –
  • Pitié Salpêtrière, Necker, Bichat in Paris, and Bordeaux University Hospitals: collaboration on operational research projects, hosting of trainees, etc.
  • EHESP (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique) : internship for master students –
  • Faculty of Lyon: intervention on the subject of “Humanitarian Pharmacy and International Solidarity”
  • ISPED: Joint course on the presentation of Solthis and experience sharing on the challenges of monitoring and evaluation in an international NGO –
  • Sciences po: intervention on “Non-state actors” and “NGOs & SSR”
  • International School of Political Studies at the University Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne: teaching “sectoral development practices”. Interventions on health issues in international development and support to students during internships –

Scientific partners

  • ANRS (National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis) –
  • AVIESAN Sud : Francophone Network of NTDs (Neglected Tropical Diseases) and Coordinated Action on Tuberculosis
  • Centre Humanitaire des Métiers de la Pharmacie
  • GERES (Groupe d’Etude sur le Risque d’Exposition des Soignants)
  • IMEA (Institute of Applied Medicine and Epidemiology): IUD intervention and IMEA conferences –
  • Institut Pasteur Paris (Unit of Epidemiology of Emerging Diseases): support for operational research projects, interventions in the Specialized Master in Public Health –
  • IRD (Institute of Research for Development) –
  • LASDEL (Laboratory for Studies and Research on Social Dynamics and Local Development): –
  • LARTES-IFAN : Laboratory of Research on the Economical and Social Transformations, University Cheikh Anta DIOP of Dakar : socio-anthropological research
  • Miseli (Association for Research and Training in Anthropology of Local Dynamics)
  • One sustainable
  • SPILF : Society of Infectious Pathology of the French Language – SPILF

Our projects


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