Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

4 news projects will start in 2016!

27 November 2015 |  Informations


Solthis is proud to implement 4 new projects at the beginning of next year, thanks to ours partners.

  • 1st partnership with the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) for our project “Empowerment of users for quality treatment of HIV in Sierra Leone”
  • 1st project dealing with the health of young people and teenage girls, in partnership with the NGO Equilibres & populations, in Mali and Niger, financed by the Initiative 5% of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • 1st funding from the European Union for our project to improve health and living conditions of prisoners in Niger.
  • An innovative project of operational research to protect infants at risk of HIV infection, receiving a funding from the Agence Nationale de Recherche sur le Sida et les hépatites (ANRS)


In Sierra Leone

Project “Empowerment of users for quality treatment of HIV in Sierra Leone”. This s Solthis first funding from the AFD (French development agency). This project aims at empowering users by involving them directly in order to improve the quality of care. It includes a part on capacity building for health professionals and a part dedicated to support to civil society. At Community level, Solthis will work with Nethips, the national network of people living with HIV and its support groups for patients.

In Guinea

The DIAVINA Project (Virologic Diagnosis and Initiation at Birth) to protect mothers and infants exposed to HIV/AIDS. Conducted with the support of the ANRS and the City of Paris, this project of operational research aims at implementing the screening of pregnant women, the initiation of antiretroviral treatment and the diagnosis of HIV infection in infants exposed to this virus and ART at birth. ANRS nouveau logo
Mairie de Paris


In Niger

Project on improvement of health and living conditions of prisoners in Niger. This project represents our first funding from the European Union, and aims to promote human rights in Niger, by improving the living conditions in the prisons through improving prisoners' access to quality health, legal and social services, and strengthening the Nigerian civil society in its role of protection and promotion of human rights. This project will be conducted in partnership with the Nigerien Association of Human Rights (ANDDH) and in consultation with the Nigerian authorities.


In Niger and Mali

1st project dealing with the health of young people and teenage girls in Mali and Niger, in partnership with the NGO Equilibres & populations, financed by the Initiative 5% of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development. This pilot intervention to promote sexual health for teenagers aims to reduce new infections and mortality related to HIV/AIDS through preventive actions, training, mentoring and awareness campaign. The goal is to implement and evaluate innovative strategies to promote sexual health for teenagers by involving them directly in order to reduce risk behaviors and new HIV infections, but also to ensure better access for infected adolescents to good quality and appropriate care.

To meet the co-funding requirements of donors, Solthis needs to find additional private funding to carry out these new projects towards health professionals, local associations and patients. This is one of the reasons why Solthis opened to private donors and strengthened its research for partnerships with companies and foundations.


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