CASSIS project : HIV positive patients testing, management and monitoring started in 9 new health centres in Guinea!
18 September 2014 | Informations
CASSIS project's main objective in Niger and Guinea is to strengthen national health actors' capacities in order to improve access to treatment and health information system in terms of HIV/AIDS patient management.
Within the framework of access to healthcare, the objective is twofold: improving geographical access to treatment by decentralizing patient care management in new centres located in region; and improving patient management quality by strengthening medical and paramedical professionals' skills in the sites which are already supported by Solthis but also in the new sites.
In Guinea, one of the main objectives of the project has just been achieved thanks to the launch of patient management in 9 new sites, covering 7 regions in Guinea (Tombolia, Koundara, Banankoro, Dinguiraye, Timbi Madina, Télimélé, Kassopo, Senko and Forécariah). 110 medical and paramedical professionals have been trained to provider-initiated testing, adult patient management and TB/HIV coinfection, mother-to-child transmission and paediatric patient management, rapid HIV tests, stocks management and ART dispensing.
Congratulations to our team on the field and to our project partners in Guinea: the Executive Secretariat of the National Committee for the Fight Against AIDS (CNLS), the National Programme for Treatment and Prevention of STIs/HIV/AIDS (PNPCSP) and UNAIDS Guinea.
We also thank the 5% Initiative and Bettencourt Schueller Foundation for their funds.
To know more about CASSIS project in Guinea and Niger