Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

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Having access to it is vital

Guinea: operational research training to improve HIV care

9 August 2017 |  Informations


With grants from the Global Fund’s governmental session allocated to Guinea to fight HIV for the period of 2015/2017, Solthis, chosen as the sub-recipient of this grant by the grant’s main recipient the CNLS (National Committee for the Fight Against AIDS in Guinea), has been implementing activities which aim to improve care management of PLHIV (People Living with HIV) in Guinea.

A training session on operational research was recently held by Solthis in Conakry, from July 10th to 28th. This session has seen 15 healthcare providers trained for the subject. Trainees include doctors, biologists, pharmacists, midwives and nurses.

Two other training sessions have been planned for September in Labé and November in Mamou, where each session is expected to welcome another 15 healthcare professionnals as trainees.

Since 2014, Solthis has been conducting trainings in operational research with local healthcare providers. Very experienced in this field, Solthis was then requested by CNLS to conduct training sessions on this subject.

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