27 January 2016 | Informations

This project, funded by ANRS, the City council of Paris and Saham Insurance Guinea, aims to assess a strategy combining an early diagnosis for HIV and antiretroviral (ARV) treatment from birth, for infants highly exposed to the virus, born from mother untreated during their pregnancy.
The Scientific Director of Solthis, Guillaume BRETON, MD, and the dedicated team for the project in our Guinean team organized with Ignace Deen Hospital the launch of the preliminary phase of this project, whose first inclusions will start in May.
This preparation phase is fundamental to optimize the implementation of the study and make adjustments in accordance with the maternity and pediatrics services of the hospital. This step has brought together all partners involved in the project in order to ensure that the conditions of confidentiality and availability of staff, necessary for the realization of the study, will be guaranteed. Thus, when delivery rooms can accommodate up to 8 women at the same time, specific facilities in the service have been identified to be used as consultation rooms dedicated to the project.
Solthis will restore facilities that will serve in the first instance for DIAVINA study, and then for the general work of the hospital once the project is completed.
Next steps of the project are : obtaining the agreement of the national ethics committee, hiring clinical research assistants and upgrading skills on pediatric care management for all health professionals working on the project, as well as training prescribers and staff working in the laboratory of Donka Hospital.
We recall that the implementation of DIAVINA project is possible since the measure of viral load is now operational in the laboratory of Donka Hospital thanks to the OPP-ERA project.