Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Mali – Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents

A workshop to define topics and key messages on which the teenagers want to communicate

15 December 2017 |  Informations


As part of the Jades project, a co constructed approach was used with the adolescents in a workshop that allowed to define, directly with the peer educators, their needs in terms of information, and the communication tools that need to be elaborated in priority.

« Less discrimination based on sex, more collaboration between girls and boys »: one of the slogans that were designed by young peer educators.

A two day workshop on sexual and reproductive health took place in October in Mali, as part of Jades project. About 20 teenagers were able to participate and identify the topics and key messages they wanted to see on the communication and awareness tools they will be using for the project's activities (awareness campaigns, educational talks, events)

Like in every other “JADES” activity, the approach used is one that prioritizes the involvement of the young and encourages communication among them. For example, during the workshops, the adolescents brought to light the link between girls' access to contraceptives and their rights to access to education, their place in the political sphere and in the country's development as a whole. Other topics were discussed and prioritized, like the importance of the dialog between parents and their children, or the taboo around sexual intercourses that take place in exchange for money.

Based on the chosen topics, Solthis', ASDAP's and Walé's teams were able to work with the young peer educators to deepen their knowledge and define key messages that will be printed on t-shirts, caps, pens, bracelets, keychains etc. and that will be distributed during educative talks and awareness campaigns.

Jades is a project that aims to promote adolescent sexual and reproductive health, in order to reduce new infections and mortality linked to HIV/Aids in Mali and Niger. It is financed by Initiative5%, and is implemented by Solthis, in collaboration with the NGO Equilibre&Populations, and the local associations Lafia Matassa in Niger, Walé and ASDAP in Mali.

To know more about « JADES » :




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