Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Niger – photo exhibition : “My sexual health, My rights, My choices”

10 September 2018


The exhibition was launched on September 6, 2018 at the Franco-Nigerien Cultural Center Jean Rouch in Niamey in collaboration with the NGOs Lafia Matassa, Equilibres et Populations, and with the support of the Initiative 5%. More than 100 Solthis partners and guests were present to support the committment of the peer-educators working with the project JADES to promote sexual and reproductive rights & health among young people in Niger.

The report is a result of the photographer Gaël Turine, who followed the peer educators in the streets, neighborhoods and schools of Niamey and outlines their work to promote sexual and reproductive health & rights, to fight all forms of violence against women and girls and HIV / AIDS as well as sexually transmitted infections.

From September 6 to 26, this exhibition allowed to gather more than 100 young people to discuss youth sexual behaviours in Niger, unwanted pregnancies, contraceptive methods, sexually transmitted infections and HIV / AIDS. Download the program in french

Promotion des droits et de la santé sexuels et reproductifs

Learn more about the project JADES


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