Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

PharmagoraPlus 2016: participation of Etienne Guillard

Legislative evolution and French dispensary pharmacists’ involvement in screening and monitoring of diseases and HIV self-test implementation

11 April 2016


Etienne Guillard, Solthis' Director of Health Systems and Services Strengthening and board member of ReMed, an association of international solidarity working for better access to quality medications in developing countries, participated at PharmagoraPlus 2016, the leading exhibition for French dispensary pharmacists. The title of his intervention at the roundtable was « Diagnostic and screening tests in pharmacy. About malaria and AIDS ».

His intervention was focused on legislative evolution in the last few years, on French dispensary pharmacists' involvement in screening and monitoring of diseases and on HIV self-test implementation since September 2015.

This roundtable allowed to discuss about the issues raised by self-test sale and screening in pharmacies. It also allowed to present rapid tests available today and to apprehend the necessary conditions for a successful implementation of these strategies.

Click here to find his presentation (in French)




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