Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Sierra-Leone : Awareness-raising for HIV patients on the importance of properly taking ARV treatments

Activities organized as part of the Empower project

8 February 2017 |  Informations

Therapeutic Patient EducationFighting HIV / AIDS

Under Solthis supervision in Sierra- Leone,  medical staff  of the Freetown Military Hospistal organized awareness-raising sessions for patients living with HIV on adherence to ARV treatments.

Supported throughout the year by Solthis medical team, the nursery staff relied chiefly on posters developed as part of the project Empower  to  educate HIV patients on the importance of properly taking their treatments and follow given instructions. The project Empower is funded by AFD (Agence Française de Développement) and  the City of Paris.





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