Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Sierra Leone : Empower Project Annual Workshop

Empowerment of Users for improved quality of HIV Care

3 March 2017 |  Informations



On February the 28th, Solthis Sierra Leone held  its annual workshop with stakeholders to review activities and results of  the Empower project  that aims at strengthening capacity of people living with HIV (PLHIV) and civil society to exercise their rights to Health.

The workshop brought together sixty participants, including strategic partners and  beneficiaries of the project : health care workers from the 13 health centres supported by Solthis, members of  the 11 NETHIPS affiliated support groups supported by the project, representatives of NETHIPS (Network of HIV Positive in Sierra Leone), NACP (National Aids Control Program) and NAS (National Aids Secretariat). International organizations, such as UNICEF, King's Partnership and AHF and  local civil associations, also attended the workshop.

Participants expressed their satisfaction towards the  project implementation and  its first results. Mr. Idrissa SONGO, Executive Director of NETHIPS, highlighted the importance of the right-based approach promoted by the project, which strengthens  both PLHIV  and Health Care Workers' rights. Dr. KENNEH, NACP Program Manager, emphasized on the fact that  Empowerment of Users and NETHIPS was a guarantee of sustainability of the project's achievements in the exercise of their right to health, and a solution for health system strengthening.

Participants had also opportunity to discuss in groups the work already undertaken by the project  and  to formulate proposals that will be analysed and taken into account by Solthis.

Co-funded by the AFD and the City of Paris, the project ” Empower” began in Sierra Leone in January 2016 for 3 years  and aims at improving the quality of cares for  PLHIV in Sierra Leone. The project includes capacity building components for  both PLHIV and health professionals as well as an institutional support component.

Find more about the project “Empower”

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