Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

What impact on health systems after NGO’s projects have been completed ?

Intervention of Louis Pizarro at the Symposium on Neglected Problems of Health Systems in Africa organized by LASDEL in Niamey

14 February 2017 |  Informations


Colloque LASDELFrom 7 to 10 February, a colloquium organized by the Laboratory of Studies and Research on Social Dynamics and Local Development (LASDEL) was held in Niamey with Montréal University collaboration to compare and discuss recent  and ongoing  research on neglected problems in public health systems in Africa.

Louis Pizarro, CEO of Solthis, intervened on 9 February in the round table discussion on the challenge of sustaining progress in health systems once the NGOs’ projects have been completed.

Louis Pizarro first stressed the need to take into account the evolution of the economic model of NGOs and the complexity of the types of project carried out, with the development of new forms of local partnerships for instance.

He then took the example of Solthis’ intervention in Niger with two programs run by the NGO, delegating the prescription of ARVs by midwives, and strengthening access to ARVs, which have had convincing results and  still allow, four years after their completion, a considerable number of health workers to be trained and accompanied by Solthis in  6 healthcare centers. Nevertheless, if the appropriation by  local partners and professionals is noticeable, the question of maintaining the quality of health care at the same level (as when accompanied by the NGO) is questioned.

Find more information on LASDEL official website





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