Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

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World TB Day : let’s fight Tuberculosis

There is an emergency to keep on fighting pandemics

24 March 2016 |  Talking about us


6 million people contracted TB and 1.5 million patients died of it in 2014.
2 out of 5 people with TB are not identified and therefore do not receive adequate treatment i.e 3.6 million people in 2014.The emergence of MDR -TB and the low rate of its successful treatment are also particularly alarming.

It is urgent to keep on fighting the three pandemics : Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and malaria.

The Global Fund is a very important tool in the fight against tuberculosis. Nearly 80% of the international funding of the fight against TB comes from the Global Fund against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Therefore, in a joint press release (in French), Global Health Action, Act-Up Paris, Friends of the Global Fund Europe, France One, Oxfam France, Sidaction, Solthis and Solidarité Sida, recall that it is essential that France continues to play a leading role in the fight against the three pandemics as France always has. We ask France to continue its commitment to the Global Fund to fight in 2017/2019, at a minimum at the level of previous years, or 1.08 billion euros over 3 years, and remain first European contributor.

Article in French published on Seronet 




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