Support for the review HIV and TB national strategic plans for 2018-2022, and the development of an extension plan for 2021-2024 in Chad
As part of the new allocation of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Chad is preparing to submit a TB/HIV/SRPS funding application. In order to be in line with the new NFM3 funding request in terms of demand alignment, Chad must carry out upstream reviews of the HIV and TB National Strategic Plans (NSPs), 2018-2022 being implemented, and develop extension plans that will cover the period 2021-2024 including the implementation periods of the new grants. The reviews should carry out an in-depth mid-term analysis of the implementation of the 2018-2022 Strategic Plans in relation to the progress made in achieving the targets and results in relation to the strategies developed and the NSPs’ axes. This performance analysis will identify gaps in relation to the achievement of objectives, orientations and priorities in the development of the 2021-2024 extension plan. Also, a certain number of studies or surveys, in particular a gender study, will be carried out prior to the concept note, in order to support the analysis of programmatic gaps and provide better information for the next GF request.
Start : January 2021
Duration : 11 months Area of intervention : Chad Budget : 89 493 euros Source of funding : Fonds Mondial Béneficiary : SE-CNLS (National HIV/Aids Coordination) |
Overall objective: To take stock of the status of implementation and the achievement of the various objectives set out in the Strategic Plan 2018-2022, to review programme performance, to take stock of lessons learned from implementation, and to develop the 2021-2024 scale-up plan for the Strategic Plan 2018-2022 in relation to the implementation of the Global Fund’s 2020-2022 allocation.
Specific objectives :
- Support the SE-CNLS in the review of HIV and TB NSPs and TB 2018-2022
- Support the NACLS ES in developing a 2021-2024 expansion plan in the spirit of alignment with the next development of the new funding model
- To support the SE-CNLS in carrying out a gender study
- Involve national stakeholders to ensure active participation in the processes.
- Promote respect for human rights and gender mainstreaming at all stages of the process
Expected results :
- Reviews of HIV and TB programmes are carried out and recommendations are made for NSPs
- National priorities in the fight against HIV-AIDS and TB are discussed and validated by all stakeholders, and integrated into the NSPs
- NSPs are updated, in the spirit of alignment with the next development of the new funding model (NFM3) and in line with WHO and UNAIDS guidelines
- The gender study is carried out and supports the analysis of programmatic gaps