Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Technical Assistance for the Ministry of Health Unit for the Fight against HIV/Aids (CSLS) for the training and supervision of health staff in Mali



As part of the allocation of grants from The Global Fund in Mali, the limited capability of most national sub-recipients was acknowledged. This then limits the possibility of them becoming major recipients and real national ownership of these grants.

In this context, the UNDP (current major recipient of the HIV grant) has sought technical assistance from Solthis as sub-recipient in order to strengthen the capabilities of the CSLS of the Ministry of public health and hygiene, who is the sub-recipient responsible for the implementation of the entire medical component of the grant. This component involves all training activities, post-training follow-ups, supervision of activities at care and PMTCT sites.

Start date: 1 January 2016

Duration: 2 years

Intervention area: Mali

Budget: €570,000

Financial Source:  The Global Fund, HIV grant from The Global Fund in Mali (Solthis is a sub-recipient of UNDP)


  • CSLS
  • DRS
  • Carers involved in HIV/Aids care in Mali
  • All PLHIV in Mali



Contribute to strengthening the competencies of health professionals in Mali

Specific objective:

Increase the capacity of CSLS to deliver activities that develop the competencies of service providers, as planned by The Global Fund in Mali.


  • Members of the CSLS and their national and regional associates have the equipment and competence to trainservice providers in the fight against Aids and are able to manipulate these to suit adult learners.
  • A national survey of training carried out by the CSLS is available and kept up to date regularly.


Intended activities

  • Organise a participatory diagnostic workshop around the technical strengths and weaknesses of the CSLS/MSHP.
  • Support the CSLS in the analysis of training requirements and in identifying both participants and trainers.
  • Help write terms of reference for planned training activities.
  • Verify the adequacy/practical implementation of training activities and post training follow ups.
  • Identify available national and regional trainers who can support the CSLS in their competence building exercises.
  • Organise 1 training session for 24 coaches in Bamako (9 in Bamako and 15 from other regions) on training supervision.
  • Train 24 coaches in Bamako over 2 sessions on PMTCT.
  • Make available/adapt/revise training modules that the CSLS must create in accordance with The Global Fund in Mali.
  • Contribute to the training of health providers in therapeutic education and psychosocial care alongside the CSLS and MSHP.
  • Revision and validation of training modules for the training that the CSLS has to deliver in accordance with The Global Fund (20 participants for 3 days).
  • Keep track of other training activities for carers organised by the CSLS.
  • Contribute to the creation/revision of normative documents.
  • Support post training follow ups of trained service providers : on-sitesupport visits to Bamako and supervised training outings in the various regions.
  • Contribute to the creation of an annual data quality audit.
  • Create a database of training information.





This English translation has been possible thanks to the PerMondo project: Free translation of websites and documents for non-profit organisations. A project managed by Mondo Agit.
Translator: Michelle Houghton; Proofreader: Matt Hattam.


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