Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Special Summit on Sustainable Development in New York: adoption of SDGs, global health and universal health coverage

25 September 2015

Today Friday, September 25 opens in New York the UN summit on sustainable development and the post-2015 agenda. Solthis and other members of the “Collectif Santé 2015” ask for France to take its responsibility and act to be worthy of the ambitions for global development in the next 15 years, particularly on global health vital issues. In The Lancet, a group of 267 economists from 44 countries, just before the opening of the summit, endorsed the Universal Health Coverage that has a... Read more

Solthis becomes Therapeutic Solidarity and Health Initiatives

4 September 2015


Solthis is an international NGO that aims to improve access to care for people in resource-limited countries. Its action revolves around three ways: strengthening health systems , operational research and advocacy Read more

Solthis publishes its Activity Report that highlights the most striking events happened in 2014

31 August 2015

Couverture du rapport d'activité 2014

Our 2014 Activity Report is available in English !   This dense 90-page report illustrates the richness of our actions in the field and at the HQ. Thank you to those who allowed these collective achievements for 2014 and to all of you involved in our actions for 2015! Solthis in numbers: 750 health professionals trained + 100 health facilities supported + 50 000 patients under treatment For quality healthcare accessible to all, let's act together ! We count on your... Read more

Pediatric management in the context of Ebola: partnership between Solthis and Fondation Enfants d’Urgence

27 May 2015

SIERRA LEONEInfectious and emerging diseases

The health crisis caused by the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone has disorganized the health services and the vital access to treatments for children with chronic diseases such as HIV/Aids. Thanks to Fondation Enfants d’Urgence and others partners, Solthis is implementing a program to allow children followed in the major pediatric hospital of the country to access to care and ART treatments. Solthis’ pediatrician supports and trains caregivers of HIV services from this hospital for... Read more

Our folder on Ebola

15 April 2015

Infectious and emerging diseases

Headings of our folder on Ebola and the continuity of care 1- Our projects to assist in the continuity of care for people living with chronic diseases such as HIV in the context of Ebola virus. 2- Ebola: the continuity of care is at risk 3- Scientific Aspects 1- Our projects to assist in the continuity of care for people living with chronic diseases such as HIV in the context of Ebola virus in Guinea and Sierra Leone.   To know more about our projects implemented... Read more

Solthis and its Guinean partners publish today a correspondance in THE LANCET

10 April 2015


The medical journal The Lancet, publishes today the results of a study conducted by Solthis in collaboration with the Donka National Hospital in Conakry and the PNPCSP*, on the effect of the Ebola epidemic on the continuum of HIV care in Conakry. This article is available from Friday April 10th on The authors highlight the existence of a significant drop in the frequentation of the Donka National Hospital HIV public facilities in 2014, mainly at the peak of the Ebola... Read more

Continuity of care in the Ebola context in Guinea and Sierra Leone: we deeply thank our partners that support us!

5 March 2015

GUINEASIERRA LEONEInfectious and emerging diseases

Guinea and Sierra Leone are among the three countries most affected by the Ebola virus, with Liberia. This outbreak has caused a major health crisis and highlighted the weakness of health systems. The disorganization of all health services has severely impacted access to care for all populations. In particular, the continuity of care for people living with chronic diseases such as HIV is seriously disrupted. With the support of the INITIATIVE 5%, of the FONDATION DE FRANCE and FONDATION... Read more

Discover the point of care CD4 counter at the Lumley hospital in Sierra Leone

26 February 2015


Sierra Leone: the installation of a « point-of-care » CD4 counter at the Lumley hospital allows a quick CD4 count after a positive screen test and a direct ARV treatment distribution after counseling. The patients are placed under treatment and have a better understanding of the disease and treatment stakes and are more likely to stay in the care system. One of the challenges in the management of HIV in Sierra Leone is to maintain patients in the healthcare circuit and to avoid... Read more

OPP-ERA Project : 2000 viral loads already achieved and official inauguration of the 2 laboratories in Conakry!

4 December 2014


On December 2014 the 3rd, with the participation of Prime Minister Mohamed Said Fofana and other members of the government were inaugurated the 2 laboratories of the OPP-ERA Project, equipped with open polyvalent platforms, and in which more than 2,000 viral loads have already been realised. We thank our partners who support us in this project: UNITAID, the Bettencourt Schueller Foundation and the City of Paris.   Media (in French):     Focus on... Read more

Ebola crisis : continuity of care at risk

19 November 2014

GUINEASIERRA LEONEInfectious and emerging diseases

Alarming Ebola spread: more than 5000 deaths and almost 9000 contaminated people since March 2014. WHO predicts between 5000 and 10 000 new Ebola cases per week by December 2014. While the Ebola virus outbreak spreads in West Africa, where Solthis has operated for more than 10 years, we draw the attention of the international community to the catastrophic consequences of this crisis on health systems. Access to care and continuity of treatment for other pathologies are in serious threat.... Read more

Solthis is in partnership with CFI for the project “Radios against Ebola”

7 November 2014

GUINEASIERRA LEONEInfectious and emerging diseases

This project allows to set up 48 local radios in West Africa in order to carry out Ebola prevention campaign in Senegal, Mali, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso and Benin. Please find more information below (in French)   Des radios contre Ebola intègre un programme complet de formation accélérée de journalistes radio à la conception d’émissions d’information, de prévention et d’aide au changement de comportement impliquant des référents scientifiques, traditionnels et... Read more

CASSIS project : HIV positive patients testing, management and monitoring started in 9 new health centres in Guinea!

18 September 2014


CASSIS project’s main objective in Niger and Guinea is to strengthen national health actors’ capacities in order to improve access to treatment and health information system in terms of HIV/AIDS patient management. Within the framework of access to healthcare, the objective is twofold: improving geographical access to treatment by decentralizing patient care management in new centres located in region; and improving patient management quality by strengthening medical and paramedical... Read more




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