Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

The voice of adolescents, a promising future for sexual and reproductive health promotion

9 October 2020

NIGERADVOCACY FOR FAIR ACCESS TO QUALTITY HEALTH CARECommunity mobilisation and health promotionPromoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Leyla Adoum, 23 years old, lives in the Balafon district of Niamey. As part of the implementation of the first phase of the (JADES) project, she was identified in 2016 as a peer educator to lead the activities within her school for her peers, boys and girls. Since the age of 20, Leyla has been interested in the difficulties that young people, particularly girls, face in the area of adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Niamey. Today, thanks to the activities of the second phase of the... Read more

Niger – hope for young people’s sexual and reproductive health

8 October 2020


In Niger, as in most Sahelian countries, young people, particularly girls and young women, face enormous difficulties in accessing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information and services. The Project JADES 2 has been working in Niger since 2016 to strengthen and promote sexual and reproductive health and rights for young people. After more than a year of implementation of the second phase of the project, which started in 2019, let's take a look to the changes that have taken place in the... Read more

COVID-19: Interview with Prof. Marie-Paule Kieny

2 September 2020

COVID-19Fighting Covid-19

"Research on the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa must in particular prioritise research on the implementation of COVID-19 diagnostic and treatment solutions in order to understand how to deploy them effectively, but also to be able to evaluate their results. This is where NGOs such as Solthis must play a role." Prof. Marie-Paule Kieny is director of research at Inserm. Former WHO Assistant Director-General in charge of health systems and innovation, she is a member of the Board of Directors of... Read more

Niger – Management of Covid-19 suspected cases at the Regional Hospital Centre of Niamey

1 September 2020


Since the first COVID-19 case in Niger, notified on 19 March 2020, 1,167 cases have been recorded as of 20 August 2020, particularly in the Niamey region. THe region remains the first and most affected region with 858 cases, i.e. 74% of the cases identified in the country. To support the Ministry of Health in managing the crisis, the two NGOs Solthis and Alima set up an additional component to the AIRE project (funded by Unitaid and co-funded by AFD in Niger) for infections prevention at the... Read more

Guinea – A fight against COVID-19 attentive to patients’ needs

1 September 2020


In Guinea, Solthis remains mobilised alongside community stakeholders and caregivers to limit the chain of community contamination and ensure continuity of care for those who are most at risk. "The response to COVID-19 at the level of our intervention programmes was carried out in a participatory manner: caregivers, psychosocial support workers (PSAs) and patient associations were all involved," insists Mamane Harouna, Technical Coordinator of the RUCHE project in Guinea. "As soon as the first... Read more

Empowering and protecting health care workers to take action against Covid-19 in Sierra Leone

1 September 2020


"When we heard about the pandemic, health professionals in Sierra Leone were concerned because we knew nothing about COVID-19," says Ruby Louisa Dandas, a health professional in Sierra Leone. Since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in March 2020, Sierra Leone has nowadays more than 1,900 confirmed cases. In support of the Ministry of Health, Solthis has refocused its activities to build the capacity of health workers to better cope with the pandemic and continue essential care for other... Read more

13 July 2020

Retour sur AIDS 2020

The Solthis teams participated at the 23rd edition of the international conference on HIV, AIDS, which took place from 6 to 10 July virtually. An important opportunity for those involved in the fight against HIV to share their experiences and exchange on the new challenges around the world. Solthis intervened mainly on the introduction of HIV self-testing in West Africa and on the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Guinea.   Replay or download Solthis... Read more

Interview with Professor Yazdan Yazdanpanah on the Covid-19 pandemic

1 July 2020

We met with Prof. Yazdan Yazdanpanah, Head of Department in Infectiology and Infectious Diseases at the Bichat Hospital in Paris, member of the French Scientific Council and administrator of Solthis.   What is your vision of the current situation in Africa? Fortunately, the impact of the epidemic is less than expected. However, it is difficult to know "why", there are different hypotheses. Aren't there many cases because they are not being diagnosed? Even if they are not... Read more


24 June 2020

Rapport d'activité 2019

  Our activity report for the year 2019 is now available. Discover the results of our actions in 2019 in the fight against HIV and tuberculosis, for the improvement and promotion of sexual and reproductive health, mother-child health and the strengthening of primary health care. But also the technical assistance provided to partners in the field.  We would like to thank our partners who are fighting alongside us to make access to health a reality for all. Download the activity report... Read more

Dr Serge BREYSSE is the new CEO of Solthis

16 April 2020

The Board of Directors and all Solthis employees are delighted to welcome our new Chief Executive Officer Serge Breysse. He succeeds Louis Pizarro, who stepped down on March 6th, at the head of Solthis.   Serge Breysse is a medical doctor with a degree in Public Health. Until now, he was Director of the GloPID-R Secretariat, an alliance to bring together research funding organizations on a global scale to facilitate an effective and rapid research response for outbreak of emerging... Read more

Covid-19: frequently asked questions and answers

6 April 2020


This FAQ is based on current information and data available internationally (sources: WHO, French Ministry of Health, Institut Pasteur). The COVID-19 infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus is recent and new evidences are being discovered every day. Please note that this FAQ is evolutive and will therefore be constantly updated.   The best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19 is to wash your hands frequently, cover your mouth with the crease of your elbow or a tissue, and... Read more

Involving patients in their own health is essential to improve the quality of care

25 February 2020


"PACTES trained not only medical staff but also patients". Since 2017, the PACTES project, has brought together in Guinea caregivers, patients and psychosocial mediators to identify care problems and propose solutions such as psychosocial support services for patients, reorganization of the care circuit for patients and the improvement of the healthcare workers-patient relationship.  During the closing workshop of project in Conakry on the 29th february, we met 4 participants in the project... Read more




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