Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

TB-Speed project launches tuberculosis screening in children with severe pneumonia

24 March 2019

SIERRA LEONEFighting tuberculosis

In commemoration of the World TB Day, the TB-Speed team is pleased to announce that its Pneumonia study has been launched in six countries: Cambodia, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Mozambique, Uganda and Zambia. On March 24, 1882, Dr Robert Koch announced that he had discovered the bacterium causing tuberculosis (TB), paving the way towards diagnosing and curing this deadly disease. Almost 140 years after, TB still remains one of the world’s deadliest infectious killer. Daily, 30,000... Read more

Empowering patients and health workers to improve quality of HIV care: a contribution to end HIV in Sierra Leone

5 March 2019

SIERRA LEONEFighting HIV / AIDSFighting tuberculosis

The project “Empowerment of users for improved quality treatment of HIV care in Sierra Leone”, also called the Empower Project, kicked off in early 2016 with the financial support of the French Developement Agency (AFD), Sierra Leone Health Ministry, the Paris City, foundations and private donators. It allowed Solthis to bring together Patients and Health Care Workers to engage in a constructive dialogue and capacity building process, which has resulted in breaking the primary barriers on... Read more

Niger – Youth Health: feedback on the outreach approach and messages for better sexual and reproductive health

4 March 2019


Atelier Solthis Niamey : santé des jeunes

On February 3rd, 2019 in Niamey, young people engaged in promoting sexual and reproductive health rights among adolescents and other young people in Niger gathered with their supervisors and Solthis partner, Lafia Matassa, to discuss methods and messages used in their daily outreach towords other young people, parents and community leaders.   A multi-stakeholder dialogue/ talks among young people: the keys of success to awareness-raising actions of the JADES project. ©Erwan... Read more

Guinea: What practices do health professionals provide for a better patient care experience?

28 February 2019


February 18 through the 26th, 2019, the PACTES project "Patients-centered care and treatment" launched workshops and exchange groups with healthcare providers to analyze their professional practices to improve HIV care in Guinea and offer a better patient care experience.   "The analysis of practices allows individual and team capacity reinforcement in the sense that it will lead to a discussion of his/her own professional practice in an HIV context. It offers a reflective and active... Read more

Paediatric Tuberculosis in Sierra Leone: Engaging media institutions to participate in increasing TB diagnosis in Children

12 February 2019

SIERRA LEONEFighting tuberculosis

On January 31st, Solthis participated through the Project TB-Speed in the National Media Conversation and training on TB reporting, organized by a national partner, CISMAT-Sierra Leone (Civil Society Movement Against Tuberculosis in Sierra Leone). More than 25 members of the media (TV, radio, print) across Sierra Leone were present at this 1-day meeting. For CISMAT-Sierra Leone:  “The Role of the media plays a central role in contributing to the elimination of Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis... Read more

ATLAS Project : A major innovation to accelerate the achievement of HIV testing global goal by 2020

30 January 2019


Lancement ATLAS - Solthis

January 29 in Dakar, Solthis in partnership with Unitaid, The Institute of Research for Development (IRD) and in collaboration with the ministries of health in Senegal, Mali, and Côte d'Ivoire, officially launched the project ATLAS to reduce HIV related morbidity and mortality rates in West Africa through HIV self-testing.   500,000 distributed HIV self-tests will change the game for testing in order to protect the most at risk populations. Improving access to HIV testing through the... Read more

Feedback on the 10th years anniversary of Solthis in Guinea

13 December 2018


Retour 15 ans Solthis Guinée

  Since 2008, Solthis has been working with the Guinean Government, the Ministry of Health, hospitals, health centers, laboratories and communities to fight HIV, improve the quality of medical care and the rights of people living with HIV. A collaboration that has always been based on strengthening the entire health system under a Solthis key principle of intervention "Act without substituting" as highlighted by Solthis partners interviewed on the impact of Solthis projects over... Read more

What progress Sierra Leone has made in the fight against HIV?

16 November 2018 |  , , , , ,


  #EndHIV   From 13th to 14th November, Solthis Sierra Leone and ICAP Columbia organized a two-day national conference in Freetown to provide a forum for AIDS advocates in Sierra Leone to discuss the progress made in recent years to achieve the 90-90-90 target.   90-90-90: AN AMBITIOUS TARGET TO HELP END THE AIDS EPIDEMIC BY 2020 WORLDWIDE BY UNAIDS : By 2020, 90% of all people living with HIV will know their HIV status,By 2020, 90% of all people with diagnosed HIV... Read more

PACTES & OPP-ERA: a common synergy to place HIV infected patients at the heart of the healthcare system

22 October 2018


Prise en charge VIH en Guinée, remettre le patient au coeur des soins

Rich of a strong collaboration and a common goal of placing HIV infected patients at the heart of the healthcare system in Guinea, our projects PACTES  and OPP-ERA organized an important meeting with community leaders defending rights of HIV infected or affected persons in Guinea, on 17 October 2018 at the Donka National Hospital. Indeed, REGAP + (Associations of people infected and affected by HIV network), REFIG (Network of Women infected and affected by HIV) and  FEG (Fondation Espoir... Read more

Innovation to improve treatment adherence in children living with HIV in Sierra Leone

27 September 2018

SIERRA LEONECAPACITY BUILDINGTherapeutic Patient EducationFighting HIV / AIDS

Sia Nyama- Sierra Leone

  Medication adherence in children living with HIV remains a challenge in Sierra Leone and globally. To address the issue, Solthis, through a concept themed on ‘a fish and its scales’ developed an innovative tool to help support drug adherence in children between 5 to 10 years old, taking antiretroviral treatment (ART). The tool has been designed to incite children to take their treatment by colouring the fish with scales at each drug intake, but also  to help as an evaluative tool... Read more

Launch of ATLAS – Self-testing project – at the AIDS 2018 Conference

26 July 2018

Fighting HIV / AIDS

On the occasion of the 22nd International Conference on HIV (AIDS 2018 in Amsterdam from July 23rd to 27th), the ATLAS project " Autotest, Libre d’Accéder à la connaissance de son Statut VIH," funded by Unitaid and implemented by a French consortium, Solthis and the IRD was launched. It will be conducted in 3 countries: Côte d'Ivoire, Mali and Senegal for 3 and a half years (2018-2021). The official signature took place on the French booth on Wednesday July 25th in the presence of the... Read more

Join Solthis at AIDS 2018

20 July 2018

   Read more on AIDS 2018 website Read more




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