Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Promoting learning exchange between Uganda and Sierra Leone: an opportunity to explore Uganda best practices in tackling HIV

2 May 2018


Visit meeting on the saving and lending program among PLHIV with Sikyomu support Group - Mityana “The learning has further enhanced my skills on how to map out programs or activities that NETHIPs will embark on, in order to meaningfully contribute to the national response and in the same vein improve the lives of persons living with and affected by HIV/AIDs in the country. From now onwards, we will work with the leadership of NETHIPs for it to strategically locate itself in advancing the... Read more

Solthis at AFRAVIH 2018

5 April 2018

Fighting HEPATITISFighting HIV / AIDS

Afravih 2018

Come and learn more about our projects at AFRAVIH 2018 : Oral Communication : Patients' non-declaration of their HIV status and antiretroviral treatment to health workers during childbirth delivery in Conakry, Guinée" - A study conducted under DIAVINA-ANRS 12344 project and presented on April 7, 2018 at 8:30 am. Poster : "Consideration and quantification of the elimination costs of plastic and toxic waste generated by HIV viral load tests in developing countries: a study of the OPP-ERA... Read more

Exchange of experience between young people engaged in sexual and reproductive health promotion in Mali and Niger

3 April 2018


As part of the project JADES, peer educators from Niger visited their counterpart in Mali to exchange experience from their daily awareness activities. Exchange with ARCAD-SIDA During the visit, the peer educators (PEs) participated together in several activities, including an educational chat session with ARCAD-AIDS’ peer educators on sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The meeting allowed therefore the peer educators to share their experiences, discuss the different steps of... Read more

“TB-Speed joins the fight for a TB-Free world”

23 March 2018


EndTB2018 - TB Speed

On March 24th, we will commemorate the World Tuberculosis (TB) Day to raise public awareness about TB. Responsible of over 4,500 deaths a day, this disease presents devastating health, social and economic impacts. Despite the fact that TB is curable, too many children do not access treatment and die from the disease because they are just not diagnosed. The 2018 World TB Day campaign theme is “Wanted: Leaders for a TB-free world. You can make history. End TB“. A TB-free world is only... Read more

Côte d’Ivoire – Burundi: Expertise exchange on HIV Viral Load Testing

22 February 2018


From 5 to 16 February 2018, a two-week training session took place at CEDRES laboratory (Center for Diagnosis and Research on AIDS) in Abidjan. The session was organized for the three new laboratories supported by the 2nd phase of  OPP-ERA in Burundi: the National Institute of Public Health (INSP), Kamenge University Hospital Center (CHUK),  the Regional Hospital of Muyinga. and  was focused on viral load testing and essential laboratory tests for a good quality care of HIV –infected... Read more

Empower Project: 1/3 of the national HIV-infected patient cohort supported, number of compliant patients doubled – an important contribution to the international strategy against HIV in Sierra Leone

14 February 2018


Acteurs de lutte contre le VIH en Sierra Leone : Atelier annuel avec Solthis

On the 6th of February, Solthis Sierra Leone organized its 2nd annual workshop to engage with stakeholders of the Empower Project and to showcase the results achieved.  Participants covered a wide array of organisations from people living with HIV, international and national NGOs, civil society groups, Ministry of health, district health management teams, UN agencies (UNICEF, UNAIDS) who attended and made valuable contributions to the workshop. Empower: a contribution to UNAIDS 90-90-90... Read more

Mali – Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents

15 December 2017


As part of the Jades project, a co constructed approach was used with the adolescents in a workshop that allowed to define, directly with the peer educators, their needs in terms of information, and the communication tools that need to be elaborated in priority. « Less discrimination based on sex, more collaboration between girls and boys »: one of the slogans that were designed by young peer educators. A two day workshop on sexual and reproductive health took place in October in Mali, as... Read more

Solthis will be at ICASA 2017 !

23 November 2017

Fighting HIV / AIDS

The 19th edition of ICASA (International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa) will be held from December 4th to 9th 2017 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. On this occasion, Solthis will share its knowledge and experience especially on the topic of making viral load tests accessible in the framework of the "OPP-ERA" project, a project funded by Unitaid and led by Solthis, lead partner of the OPP-ERA consortium comprising ANRS, Expertise France and Sidaction. Apart from the OPP-ERA project, other... Read more

With TB-SPEED, Solthis joins the fight to tackle tuberculosis!

20 October 2017


In September, the "TB-SPEED" project was launched by Université de Bordeaux, lead partner and coordinator of the project. Among a consortium made up of 8 institutions, Solthis is responsible for the implementation of the project in Sierra Leone. The objective of the project is to reduce childhood tuberculosis mortality by improving TB screening in children under 5 years old, including those who are HIV-positive and suffering from severe pneumonia, a demographic among which tuberculosis... Read more

Guinea: operational research training to improve HIV care

9 August 2017


With grants from the Global Fund's governmental session allocated to Guinea to fight HIV for the period of 2015/2017, Solthis, chosen as the sub-recipient of this grant by the grant's main recipient the CNLS (National Committee for the Fight Against AIDS in Guinea), has been implementing activities which aim to improve care management of PLHIV (People Living with HIV) in Guinea. A training session on operational research was recently held by Solthis in Conakry, from July 10th to 28th. This... Read more

Solthis supports 12 health facilities in Sierra Leone

8 August 2017


Thanks to our "Empower" project in Sierra Leone, 39 NETHIPS (Network of HIV positives in Sierra Leone) community volunteers were recently taken through an orientation of the “defaulter tracing program”, a program implemented by NETHIPS and funded by the Global Fund. Within the "Empower" project, Solthis gives its support to this program in 12 health facilities in order to strengthen patient retention in HIV care and treatment. Thanks to the active mobilization of the civil society, this... Read more




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