Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Financial transparency

The social mission: covers expenses incurred in the context of Solthis’ mission to improve the health of populations by sustainably strengthening health systems in countries with limited resources.

Fundraising expenses: Solthis continues to structure its private fundraising activity in order to support the growth of its operations and to intensify the diversification of its financing. To this end, in 2015 a support committee was created.

Administrative costs: the association’s head office supervises the operational activities of the field teams and ensures the link with our financial, academic, institutional and associative partners.

The social mission abroad covers all expenses incurred in the field, including

  • operational expenditures: related to activities to strengthen health systems and services (training, equipment for care sites, contribution to overheads and transport), operational research and advocacy.
  • support to operations: expenditure incurred for headquarters-field coordination, including HR expenditure and on-site monitoring mission costs.

Financial transparency

The 2022 accounts were certified by the statutory auditors from KPMG.

Download the 2023 annual accounts in french

Download all the previous annual accounts


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