ACACIAS: Promoting access to reliable information via a mobile phone application to HIV improve prevention and care
Project title : ACACIAS – Mobile application adapted to the communication needs of key populations and provides reliable information on access to and engagement in the prevention and care in Maghreb / Middle East
This project, carried out in consortium by Solthis and ITPC MENA, in collaboration with several associative partners of the Middle East and North Africa region aims to improve patient engagement in care from a mobile application and by strengthening the activities of partner organizations supporting people living with HIV.
Launch Date : Septembre 1st 2017, 3 year duration Countries Intervened : The project is taking place in the Maghreb and Middle East region (MENA, Middle East & North Africa) with strong roots in Morocco (ITPC-MENA based in Marrakech) and in the intervention countries of project partners: Lebanon, Tunisia, Egypt. Partners: This project is led by Solthis who works in consortium with ITPC-MENA (International Treatment Preparedness Coalition; an association who works on treatment access). ITPC-MENA is a Moroccan NGO based in Marrakech who works around the entire Maghreb / Middle East region. The association is the regional branch of ITPC Global. It works in collaboration with 8 other similar regional networks as part of a large-scale international collation working on advocacy for the access to prevention services and to HIV/HCV treatment in developing countries in the Global South. Our partner associations are as follows :
Objectives of the Project
Encouraging populations who are exposed to HIV threats in the MENA region to engage, especially the key populations, so as to improve prevention and HIV care management. (strategy 3×90)
In order to do that, we will :
- Develop a three-language mobile application (Arabic, English, French) which lets people exposed to HIV infection risks or who are infected to :
- Have access to reliable information about HIV & HCV diseases, treatments and care services that are adapted to the needs of the key populations.
- To be oriented towards complementary services (screening, biological monitoring) or products (condoms, self-tests, ..); people living with these diseases to manage their treatments and their follow-up (taking medication, appointments and results)
- Users of health facilities to know and make known the caring structures and to share information on the situations of discrimination encountered and thus fueling human rights advocacy.
- Strengthen partnering Ccivil society Organization's capacities and promote an extended working network around the mobile application in order to defend rights and promote access to quality care, especially when key populations are concerned.
*The ACACIAS project was officially closed in Morocco on 12th December 2019 with the launch of Life4me+ application in 3 languages: Arabic, French and English. Read more about the project.