Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

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Having access to it is vital

SENEYA – Acting for the environment and health in the face of climate change in Senegal

SENEGALCAPACITY BUILDINGCapacity building and empowermentCommunity mobilisation and health promotionHEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEMOur areas of expertisePromoting One health

Context :

Casamance, region at a border area strategically located between Gambia and the two Guineas, is characterized by its diversity of ecosystems and its geostrategic importance, but is also vulnerable to climate change and anthropogenic pressures.   The local health system lacks evidence to assess specific climate risks. The project therefore proposes to use a vulnerability and adaptive capacity assessment (VCA) methodology to identify and prioritize appropriate solutions.

Key project informations :

Project duration January 01, 2025 to December 31, 2026
  • Sédhiou regional and departmental health departments. Directorate of Livestock, Environment and Health. High National Council for World Health Security “One Health” in Senegal. Climate Action Accelerator (CAA). Sédhiou Women’s Group
Beneficiaries Direct beneficiaries :

  • Health professionals working in the Sédhiou primary healthcare network.​
  • Local population of the department of Sédhiou.​
  • Local health authorities in Sédhiou.​
  • Local and administrative authorities.​


Indirect beneficiaries :

  • Neighbouring communities.​
  • Political decision-makers and financial backers.
Source of financing AFD and Foundation S 
Country of intervention Senegal

General objective :

Contribute to reducing the impact of climate change at community level on human, animal, agricultural and environmental health, in line with MDG 13 and the national transformation agenda (Senegal 2025).

Expected results :

  • R1: Increased cross-sectoral awareness and environmental responsibility, encompassing the challenges of climate change, are observed among the target communities and professional actors (decentralised services and professionals in the three health sectors) through an integrated “One Health” approach.
  • R2: The capacities of communities and professional stakeholders are strengthened to enable them to implement endogenous actions aimed at protecting the health of populations and their ecosystems.
  • R3: The resilience of primary care services is strengthened through the implementation of a series of climate solutions that have been identified using the Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity Assessment (VCA) methodology, adapted to primary care beforehand.
  • R4: Knowledge and data are generated to contribute to advocacy for political action and sustainable financial support on climate-related issues and the “One Health” approach.


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