In response to 2014 and 2015 Ebola epidemic in Guinea, TWIN 2H is a capacity-building project for infection prevention and hospital hygiene control through hospital partnerships and for the safety of patients and health caregivers. It is implemented in Guinea by Expertise France and is funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development.
Solthis is partner of the project, and has carried out during the project first phase (Phase 1) (April to December 2015) an inventory of Hospital hygiene needs and training at Nzérékoré and Guékédou hospitals in Guinea.
The 2nd phase of the project, started in August 2016. Indeed, although Guinea was declared free of Ebola virus transmission on 29 December 2015, resurgences are still possible. It is therefore necessary to continue supporting hospitals (in the forest region) to consolidate the foundations and guarantee good practices for prevention and control of infections, thereby ensuring the safety of patients and health care staff.
Starting date : August 2016
Area of intervention : Guinea Funders : Expertise France Recipients :
Contribute to the sustainable reconstruction of health systems capacities to provide improved quality care, mainly for the health and safety of medical staff and patients.
At the level of the 2 hospitals:
- Joint overall Assessment of the Hospital Hygiene / PCI Situation at the start and end of the Project
- Organizational support
- implementation of hygiene officers
- Strengthening of hygiene committees
- Preparation or consolidation of roadmaps and follow-up of planned activities
- Support for the development of regular hygiene indicators
- Strengthening human resource skills and improving practices
- Indoors training and practice analysis
- Post-training follow-up – tutoring. Specific support appointed hygiene officers
- Material support
- Rehabilitations, particularly relating to Water, Hygiene and Sanitation: drafting of specifications, planning, project management and monitoring of building sites
- Equipment and supplies: purchases and provisiono Hygiene rules and principles communication via posters in all services
- Regular monitoring visits
- Telephone follow-up between each visit, especially for Guéckédou
At the level of the Prefectural and Regional Health Office Directions (DPS / DRS)
- Joint quarterly supervision missions
- Part-time collaboration during trainings
- Training of DRS / DPS teams
- A team of hygiene referees and prevention of hospital infections is functional in each institution supported by the project
- Hygiene committees are actively involved in their role
- Hygiene and ICP knowledge, skills, attitudes and practices of health professionals are strengthened
- Infrastructures and hospital facilities are set up and operational
- DRS and DPS capacities in terms of IBD and hygiene are strengthened