Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Newsletter january-february 2016

26 February 2016 |  Newsletters

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Newsletter november-december 2015

4 December 2015 |  Newsletters

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Release of Solthis’ latest report: “Managing Risk in Fragile States: Putting Health First! Optimising the Efficiency of the Global Fund's Grants”

19 November 2015

“Managing Risk in Fragile States: Putting Health First!

Optimising the Efficiency of the Global Fund's Grants”

While the 32nd Global Fund Board Meeting will be held on November 20-21, we would like to share with you the recommendations formulated in this report.

This evidence-based report is the result of a work over several months, including 4 missions (Guinea, Mali, Niger and Sierra Leone) and interviews with 140 stakeholders. Through this work, we identified bottlenecks in the implementation of the Global Fund's grants in the field, showing that the Global Fund's Risk Management Policy is not well-adapted to fragile states. The additional safeguard measures which have been put in place by the Secretariat after the investigations of the Office of the Inspector General were meant to mitigate the financial risks and to reassure donors. However, experiences in challenging operating environments clearly show that these measures are mainly focused on financial risks and have caused significant malfunctions that jeopardise both the impact and the sustainability of the programmes.

In order to make progress and to cope with the challenges specific to fragile states, we think it is now time for the Board members and the donors of the Global Fund to opt for an ambitious and innovative policy, which would put financial risk at its proper place: behind risks to public health.

The main recommendations we are addressing in the report aim to place the public health risk at the centre of the mechanism, by:

  • Improving the balance between the analysis and the management of the different risks.
  • Simplifying and clarifying the control procedures: limit the number of contractors and the levels of validation.
  • Defining indicators or objectives for terminating additional safeguard measures to encourage appropriation and capacity building.
  • Investigating the possibility of an increased presence of the Global Fund in the field, by missions of several weeks or several months.
  • Adapting the indicators and procedures of performance-based funding and accountability measures to fragile states.

Full version of the report in English here

You can also read our 4-pages booklet here

The article of Altermondes dedicated to this topic and the interview of the author Hélène Roger

CASSIS project booklet

30 October 2015 |  Projects brochures

Download the CASSIS project booklet

Annual accounts report for 2014

19 January 2015 |  Annual accounts report

Download the annual accounts report for 2014


Activity Report 2014

19 January 2015 |  Activity Reports

Download the Activity Report 2014

La Lettre of Solthis n°16

19 April 2014 |  Solthis' Letter

Download the file

Annual accounts report for 2013

19 January 2014 |  Annual accounts report

Download the annual accounts report for 2013 (in french)


Activity Report 2013

19 January 2014 |  Activity Reports

Download the Activity Report 2013


Solthis’ presentation brochure 2013

17 November 2013 |  Presentation brochures

In our brochure produced in 2013 you will find forms detailing our strategy, areas of intervention and information about our programs in Mali, Niger, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Madagascar. You can download it here below.

Bilingual brochure

English Version only of the Brochure 2013

La Lettre of Solthis n°15

19 June 2013 |  Solthis' Letter

Download the file

Activity Report 2012

23 January 2013 |  Activity Reports

Download the Activity Report 2012

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