Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Dr Serge BREYSSE is the new CEO of Solthis

16 April 2020 |  Informations

The Board of Directors and all Solthis employees are delighted to welcome our new Chief Executive Officer Serge Breysse. He succeeds Louis Pizarro, who stepped down on March 6th, at the head of Solthis.


Serge Breysse is a medical doctor with a degree in Public Health. Until now, he was Director of the GloPID-R Secretariat, an alliance to bring together research funding organizations on a global scale to facilitate an effective and rapid research response for outbreak of emerging infectious disease with pandemic potential. He has worked for more than 20 years in international solidarity organizations, particularly in Africa and Asia. He has created, developed and directed, within Action Contre la Faim, an innovative department combining advocacy, expertise and research. Serge Breysse has also been involved for more than 30 years in associative activities in France and abroad. He has participated in numerous scientific and more global publications. He has also been intervening in academic courses on international aid, global health and hunger issues.


It is a great pride for me to join the Solthis team. A modern international solidarity organization that supports health actors in several African countries, strengthening their capacity to act. An approach, whose relevance is underlined by the current crisis of COVID 19, which relies on public health systems and citizens’ rights to promote access to health for all“.


The arrival of Solthis’ new CEO comes at an unprecedented time for global public health, where Solthis, alongside its partners, is committed to the response against COVID 19, for the protection of health professionals, patients, prevention and continuity of care.


Follow Serge Breysse on Twitter : @SergeBreysse





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