Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

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Having access to it is vital

Overall diagnosis of the capacity-building needs of the MAD’AIDS CSO network

MADAGASCARCAPACITY BUILDINGFighting HIV / AIDSInfectious and emerging diseases


In Madagascar, the HIV prevalence rate was very low, at 0.4% for the general population aged 15-49 (UNAIDS, 2021), i.e. around 42,000 people living with HIV (PLHIV). The modelling exercise carried out by Spectrum in collaboration with UNAIDS shows a prevalence of 0.26% in 2017, 0.25% in 2018 and 0.26% again in 2019 for this population aged 15 to 49. Against this backdrop, MAD’AIDS is working in Madagascar to combat HIV by raising awareness of the risks and preventive measures, ensuring access to medical care and treatment, offering psychological and social support to PLHIV, and fighting the stigma and discrimination associated with the disease. As a national network, MAD’AIDS is committed to the response to HIV, multi-disease prevention and sustainable development, through capacity building for its members, coordination of development interventions with partners, advocacy for the respect of human rights, while ensuring the mobilisation of its own resources and those of technical and financial partners. MAD’AIDS also contributes to facilitating access to prevention, care and support services as well as other quality multi-sectoral services for people infected and affected by HIV and key populations vulnerable to HIV, and encourages them to become involved in sustainable community development activities. To this end, MAD’AIDS is involved as a Sub-Recipient (SR) in the Global Fund (GF) HIV grant. The management team expressed the need to carry out a full diagnostic of MAD’AIDS in order to identify gaps and draw up a capacity-building plan for the areas deemed relevant and a priority, in conjunction with the network’s managers. Solthis was selected to carry out this diagnostic, financed by Expertise France via the Initiative.

General objective

To carry out a full diagnostic of MAD’AIDS in order to identify gaps and draw up a capacity-building plan for the areas deemed relevant and a priority, in conjunction with the network managers

Specific objectives

OS1: Carry out an in-depth diagnosis of the MAD’AIDS network in order to identify the areas requiring capacity building

SO2: On the basis of the diagnosis and in consultation with network managers, identify priority areas for improvement

OS3: Draw up a capacity-building plan taking into account the results of the diagnosis and the priorities defined in consultation with MAD’AIDS managers

Expected results 

R1: Complete diagnosis of the network is carried out and its strengths and weaknesses are identified

R2: Prioritisation of areas to be strengthened in collaboration with network managers are defined

R3: Capacity building plan is available and includes the aspects deemed relevant and a priority by the diagnostic, with particular attention paid to information technology/database management and network dynamics

R4: Capacity building plan is validated by MAD’AIDS managers who take ownership of it

Dates (start/end) 09-11/2023
Source of funding L’Initiative (Expertise France)
Recipient Name MAD’AIDS
Country Madagascar

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