Technical assistance for the drafting of the funding request for the fight against HIV/AIDS in Madagascar
Within the framework of the New Funding Model (NMF3) grant from the Global Fund, the 5% Initiative – through its Expertise Channel – requested technical support from Solthis for the drafting of the funding application by the National AIDS Control Committee (CNLS) of Madagascar. This technical assistant will provide support to the CNLS and, more specifically, will strengthen the national technical group.
Start-up: February 2020
Duration: 1 month Area of intervention: Madagascar Budget: 40 435 €. Origin of funding: Canal Expertise, Initiative 5%. Beneficiary: Executive Secretariat/ National AIDS Committee (SE/CNLS) |
Strengthen the National Technical Group – NTF-HIV in the drafting of the NMF3 grant application to the Global Fund.
Specific objectives
- Support the HIV NTF and the CCM in the drafting of the grant application by facilitating the participation of all national stakeholders as well as technical and financial partners in the choice of appropriate strategies and interventions in the fight against HIV/AIDS, given the epidemiological context.
- Supporting the NTF-HIV and the CCM in the different stages of the process of developing and writing the grant application, from the submission of documents, to the submission of and response to comments from the TRP (Technical Review Panel) after the results of the review.
Planned activities
- Support to (i) the analysis of the results of the studies/surveys in order to define the activities to be included in the proposal, (ii) the analysis of the different documents (PDSS, PSN, PSE, concept note, report, renewal application document, …)
- Organisation of a workshop (i) to identify the programmatic and financial GAPs, (ii) to discuss the definition of priorities (intervention area, target, priority activities, ……)
- Analysis and inclusion of PSM system assessment data in the proposal
- Estimation and quantification of HIV health inputs (workshop)