Technical assistance to the National Program for the Fight Against HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis (PNLSH) in the development of a national strategy for the triple elimination of HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis, integrated within the Guinean health system
GUINEASTRENGTHENING SYSTEMS AND HEALTH SERVICESFighting HEPATITISFighting HIV / AIDSInfectious and emerging diseasesPromoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
In Guinea, the prevalence rates of HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B (HBV) among pregnant women are 1.5%, 0.5%, and 10.2% respectively (2018). The National Strategic Framework for the Fight Against HIV/AIDS (NSF 2023–2027) and the Global Fund's GC7 grant in Guinea have identified the need to strengthen prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT). Among the listed priorities are:
Integrated screening of pregnant women for HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B (HBV), and,
Scaling up of postnatal prophylaxis for newborns exposed to HIV.
More specifically, it is planned that integrated HIV/syphilis/HBV testing will become systematic in high-volume PMTCT sites, with a forecast for progressive expansion to other PMTCT sites. The procurement of inputs for testing, treatment initiation, and follow-up for HBV among pregnant women, as well as the integration of hepatitis screening and management in priority sites, are also part of the GC7 interventions.
Among the essential services envisaged are:
Screening for all three diseases in antenatal clinics and community centers;
Rapid and effective interventions to treat key populations and women who test positive and prevent vertical transmission;
Counseling for key populations, women, and their partners to reduce risk and ensure access to appropriate treatment;
Safe deliveries and appropriate follow-up for exposed infants, including birth-dose HBV vaccination.
This technical assistance is thus part of Guinea's commitment to the triple elimination agenda and to the activities outlined in GC7 for the management of hepatitis and the T3E (triple elimination) among key populations.
General objective
To support the National Program for the Fight Against HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis (PNLSH) in the development of a national strategy for the triple elimination of HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis, integrated within the Guinean health system.
Expected outcomes
R1: A national triple elimination strategy is available and disseminated.
R2: PMTCT documents are updated to integrate the triple elimination approach.
R3: Normative documents and training guidelines on triple elimination are developed and validated.
R4: A training-of-trainers (ToT) session is conducted.
Main deliverables
PowerPoint presentation of the methodology and provisional timeline
Validated national triple elimination strategy document
Revised and validated PMTCT reference documents
Revised training guidelines
Report from the training-of-trainers session