Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

LAHIYATA Project: Improving Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Niger



In a country where 70% of the population is under 25 years old, the situation regarding SRH of young people remains worrying.

Contraceptive prevalence is 15.9% among 15-24 year olds,
50% of girls under 19 have already had a child,
76% of girls are married before their 18th birthday and 28% before their 15th birthday.

In addition, there has been an increase in HIV prevalence over the past 10 years: from 0.1% in 2011 to 0.8% in 2019, with young women twice as likely to be infected and only 11.6% of young people receiving HIV education.

In this context, Solthis and Lafia Matassa have been working together since 2016 on DSSRAJ, via the JADES project, which has enabled the development of a network of young ambassadors, and the initiation of individual empowerment dynamics for young people via awareness-raising sessions and debates, radio programmes and festive events. JADES has also improved the clinical management of adolescents and young people in SRH and has contributed to a 70% increase in the number of consultations for access to contraception among adolescents and young people.

Key project information :

Duration of the project 3 years (February 2023 – March 2026)
Lafia Matassa

Ministry of Public Health, Social Affairs and Population

Ministry for the Promotion of Women and the Protection of Children

Ministry of National Education

National Programme for the Fight against HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis

Beneficiaries Lafia Matassa

National and local authorities

Young people and adolescents aged 10 to 24

Health care staff

Source of funding The initiative
Country of intervention Niger

General objective:

To improve access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) for adolescents and young people, and in particular for adolescent girls and young women in Niger, and thus to contribute to the reduction of the risks of HIV/AIDS infection among adolescents and young people and to the fight against Gender Based Violence (GBV) which affects them.

In the continuity of the JADES 1 and JADES 2 projects, the Lahiyata project aims to empower adolescents and young people in terms of SRHR and their access to comprehensive, quality SRH services adapted to their specific needs.

Expected results

  • The empowerment of adolescents and young people in and out of school is strengthened through the development of their psychosocial skills and knowledge of SRHR.
  • The health services targeted by the project offer a wide range of quality SRH services adapted to the specific needs of adolescents and young people in and out of school.
  • Lafia Matassa’s capacities are strengthened and their expertise in training, animation and advocacy in favour of young people’s SRHR is enhanced.
  • A more favourable social and political environment for SRHR is created in the project’s intervention areas and at the national level.

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