Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Solthis at Pharma Event Tunisie

10 February 2017


    Organized for the firtst time, the fair is an opportunity  for health professionals and pharmaceutical institutions to exchange and discover  pharmaceutical, para-pharmaceutical and well-being research innovations. During this two-day event, Etienne Guillard, Director of Strengthening Health Systems and Services at Solthis is participating in the round table discussion dedicated to the Future of retail pharmacy . He will particularly discuss the role of pharmacists in... Read more

Sierra-Leone : Awareness-raising for HIV patients on the importance of properly taking ARV treatments

8 February 2017

Therapeutic Patient EducationFighting HIV / AIDS

Under Solthis supervision in Sierra- Leone,  medical staff  of the Freetown Military Hospistal organized awareness-raising sessions for patients living with HIV on adherence to ARV treatments. Supported throughout the year by Solthis medical team, the nursery staff relied chiefly on posters developed as part of the project Empower  to  educate HIV patients on the importance of properly taking their treatments and follow given instructions. The project Empower is funded by AFD (Agence... Read more

Solthis participated in the ” GLOBAL HEALTH, RESEARCH AND FRANCOPHONE AFRICA ” conference

20 January 2017


The Ivorian and French governments, with the support of French research organizations, members of the Alliance for Life and Health Sciences (AVIESAN), organized  on January 18th  and 19th, 2017, two days conference, in Ivory Coast, on research in African French-speaking countries and its contribution to global health (more information : Press release - Abidjan hosts the PACCI Scientific Days). Louis Pizarro, CEO of Solthis,attended the first day of the conference (19th November) organized... Read more

JADES Project (Promoting the sexual health of adolescents) in Mali and Niger: feedback on sharing results and strategic planning workshops

29 December 2016


JADES Project aims to reduce new HIV infections and deaths and illnesses related to HIV and AIDS raising awareness in young people so that they can take charge of their own health. After the project launching workshops held in spring in Niger and in summer in Mali, the iagnostic phase took place in the two countries. The November strategic workshops allowed sharing the results and planning action for the months to come. In Mali These strategic workshops, held in Bamako from November 8 to... Read more

Training week for the 4 country coordinators of the OPP-ERA project

19 December 2016


The 4 country coordinators of the OPP-ERA project in Burundi, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire and Guinea gathered in Solthis' headoffice  in Paris from Decmeber 12 to 16  for a week of training. This week, the project managers of  each consortium' member organizations, the OPP-ERA team based in Paris and the country coordinators were able to review all the stages of the implementation of Phase 2 of this project wich will extend until 2019. The week ended with the monthly Steering Committee of... Read more

Viral Load Testing : the OPP-ERA project at the ASLM2016 Conference (3 to 8 December, Cape Town)

2 December 2016


OPP-ERA will be present at the 2016 ASLM Conference (3-8 December 2016, Cape Town) Join us at the Symposium “How to reach the third “90” in West and Central Africa” – on Sunday December 4 - 8:30 am to 12 pm- CTICC room location : 1.61-1.62 This satellite session coorganized by Fondation Merieux, MSF, Solthis and UNITAID  will present the main challenges in this region in achieving the third 90% – that is patients on ART that are virally suppressed. Partners through their... Read more

World AIDS Day: we must remain mobilised against HIV/AIDS

1 December 2016

Fighting HIV / AIDS

In 2015, more than 36 million people live with HIV / AIDS in the world, access to antiretroviral therapy (ART) has doubled and 54% of PLHIV have access to ART. Mortality has dropped by 25% in five years: 1.1 million deaths are related to HIV / AIDS in 2015. The progress made in the fight against HIV / AIDS hide, nevertheless, disparities, especially in West and Central Africa where Solthis operates.We therefore need more than ever to mobilize and accelerate the response. Today, on World... Read more

World AIDS Day : photo contest of the ELSA platform

30 November 2016

Fighting HIV / AIDS

On the occasion of the World AIDS Day, Elsa (Ensemble Luttons contre le Sida en Afrique) launch the 3rd edition of this photo contest in order to promote the "Centre de Ressources francophones sur le sida en Afrique". This contexte is opened to all the African associations partners of the ELSA platform. You can send your pictures by mail at: before January 15, 2017. Your photos can illustrate an awareness session in a village, an intervention in schools, a... Read more

Solthis trained 50 doctors and biologists to research methods to conduct a study on HIV resistance to anti-retrovirals

22 September 2016


In the framework of the Grant of the Global Fund and at the request of CNLS, Solthis is coordinating the first investigation in Guinea at a national level on HIV resistance to anti-retrovirals, on compliance to antiretroviral treatment and on viral hepatitis. This investigation will be starting the 1st of October for 1 year. It will allow to gather information on 460 patients initiating a therapy based on anti-retrovirals in one of the 20 HIV care centers selected all over the... Read more

For the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, ALL funding must be maintained!

16 September 2016 |  ,


You can read this Op-ED in French on the HUFFINGTON POST  This Op-Ed was been published on september 15 2016, by Action Santé Mondiale, Equilibres & Populations, Oxfam France, Sidaction et Solthis, on the eve of the opening in Montreal of the Global Fund to Fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria 5th replenishment conference Read more

JADES Project: Kick-off workshops in Mali

8 September 2016


At the end of August, in the Aoua Keita facility of Bamako was held the kick-off workshop of JADES project in Mali. Under the chairmanship of Fadima Keita, Head of Youth and Adolescent Health division, the project was introduced to institutional partners, NGOs/associations, Medias, as well as technical and financial partners involved in youth and adolescent health. Lead by Solthis, this project was initially launched in April 2016 in Niger thanks to the financial support of the French... Read more

UNITAID extends OPP-ERA viral-load access initiative in Western and Central Africa for three years, implemented by a consortium of French partners: the ANRS, Expertise France, Sidaction and Solthis

2 September 2016


Official signing of OPP-ERA phase II in Solthis headquarters on September 1st 2016. Left to right : Claire Rekacewicz (ANRS), Lelio MARMORA UNITAID's Executive Director, Pr Christine Rouzioux, Arnaud Laurent (Expertise France), François Duprès (Sidaction) and Louis Pizarro (Solthis) UNITAID extends OPP-ERA viral-load access initiative in Western and Central Africa for three years GENEVA, PARIS- 1 September 2016 - UNITAID today committed a further US$ 14.7 million to the OPP-ERA project, a... Read more




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