Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Support the deployment of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in Guinea

GUINEACAPACITY BUILDINGFighting HEPATITISFighting HIV / AIDSFighting tuberculosisImprove the health of children in Africa


The HIV epidemic in Guinea is considered to be concentrated, particularly among key populations and their networks. These key populations, which are difficult to reach, are an integral part of the targets of the national strategic framework. A one-day workshop on the strategy for making pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) available, organised as part of the NFM3 grant from the FM in 2021, led to the development of a global strategy for making PrEP available to key populations in adapted health centres and community centres. However, this strategy has not been documented or put into practice, and is already obsolete as it does not take into account the latest WHO international recommendations published in 2022. This technical assistance aims to make PrEP available and effective in Guinea through a structured and participatory process. It has been requested by the Global Fund’s PRs to support the country in the optimal deployment of PrEP services. Solthis’ technical experience builds on its past experience, in particular the DSD-SI technical assistance financed by the Global Fund to support the introduction, roll-out and scaling-up of HIV self-testing for key populations in Guinea, as well as its previous experience with PrEP in Niger and Chad.

General objective:

To support SongES and MVS in the development of PrEP and ADVIH pilot projects and to strengthen their capacity to implement, monitor, evaluate and capitalise on these pilot projects.

Specific objective:

To support SongES and MVS in continuing to run and scale up the pilot projects.

Expected results:  

R1: The PrEP and ADVIH pilot projects in Niamey and Zinder are monitored and evaluated.

R2: Strategic and operational recommendations for scaling up the PrEP and ADVIH pilot projects are shared and discussed with institutional partners and associations.


Stage 1: Kick-off meeting and scoping note

Stage 2: Development of the 2024/2025 operational plans for the PrEP and ADVIH pilot projects

Stage 3: Support the monitoring of the pilot projects and the introduction of PrEP in the Zinder region

Stage 4: Evaluate the pilot phase of the ADVIH and PrEP projects

Stage 5: Support for the effective scaling up of ADVIH and PrEP

Dates (start/end) April 2024 – March 2025
Source of funding
  • L'Initiative – Canal Expertise
Name of the beneficiary
  • SongES Niger and Living Better with Aids (MVS)

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