Solthis Therapeutic Solidarity and Initiatives for Health

Health is a right
Having access to it is vital

Promoting One health

A growing convergence of crises and issues between human, animal and environmental health

As an actor in human health, Solthis notes the growing convergence of crises and issues between human, animal and environmental health. The growing interfaces between the animal world and humans increase the risk of transmission of associated pathogens; agricultural practices have significant sanitary and environmental consequences; climate change contributes to the disruption of ecosystems. The “One Health” concept responds to this observation and to the resurgence and emergence of infectious diseases. It is based on a simple principle according to which the protection of human health requires the protection of animals and their interactions with the environment. We wish to operationalize this “One Health” concept in a health promotion approach to contribute to the response and resilience to crises, both at the population and community levels and at the health services level.


Our work: addressing human, animal and environmental health determinants

Solthis is pursuing its exploration of this theme through two complementary approaches:

  • by being part of “complete” One Health approaches, seeking to improve the three dimensions of human, animal and ecosystem health – through partnerships with stakeholders in these sectors (animal health, agriculture, local development, land use planning);
  • by understanding “One Health” through its consequences on human health, by reducing the impact of animal and environmental determinants (pesticides, antibiotic resistance, pathogen transmission).


This new approach is currently being developed within Solthis and we hope to continue exploring it, targeting the following priorities:

    • supporting contextualized multi-stakeholder diagnoses to adapt interventions to local realities and propose adapted and effective solutions;
    • facilitating the establishment of local governance mechanisms involving public and community stakeholders to coordinate and manage human, animal and environmental health issues;
    • proposing actions to strengthen health and environmental protection, for example by raising awareness among farmers, livestock producers and consumers of the risks of using, for example, chemicals or other practices;
    • capitalizing on our projects and the experiences of our partners and the international community to define an effective operational approach.


En savoir sur notre projet One health – Thiellal et ses résultats en 2021

Country action



Capacity building and empowermentCommunity mobilisation and health promotionCAPACITY BUILDINGOur areas of expertiseHEALTH INFORMATION SYSTEMSTRENGTHENING SYSTEMS AND HEALTH SERVICES

Our projects


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